
Day 1 (September 21, 2023)

8.30 am Collection of Delegate Kits
9.30 am Inaugural Session
11.00 am General Session 1
12.30 pm Lunch
1.30 pm General Session 2
3.00 pm Breakout Session
4.30 pm Panel Discussion (issues / ideas)
5.30 pm Coffee Break / Networking Time
6.00 pm Celebration Session
7.00 pm End of Day 1

Day 2 (September 22, 2023)

9.30 am General Session 3
11.00 am General Session 4
12.30 pm Lunch
1.30 pm Business Plan Presentations
2.00 pm Breakout Session
3.30 pm Special Program
4.30 pm Closing Session
6.00 pm Report of Beyond Business
6.30 pm Vote of Thanks and Closing
7.00 pm End of Day 2